GETBank Information Service

Contracted workplace information is listed.

Service Address :/bankinformation


Parameter Name Parameter Type Description


string It is the ApiKey information given by Teqpay of the dealer who will make the payment.

For Example; 3f0126be-****-****-****-06025352594a



string It is the key information given by Teqpay of the dealer who will make the payment.

For Example; 3f0126be-****-****-****-06025352594a


Response Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
Result boolen Process Result
ResultCode integer Teqpay result code of the payment transaction
ResultMessage string Description of ResultCode value.
MoneyTransferCode string Required code for money transfer
BankInformationList List<class> The class list containing the Banks Information, the class content is listed below.

Bank Information List
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
BankName string Bank Name
IbanNo string Iban No of the Bank
AccountHolder string Account Holder
AccountNo string Account information

Response Sample
    "MoneyTransferCode": "TP643285",
    "BankInformationList": [
            "BankName": "Garanti BBVA",
            "IbanNo": "TR06 0006 2000 3950 0006 2952 96 ",
            "AccountHolder": "Hızlıpara Ödeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para A.Ş.",
            "AccountNo": "ULUS/IST 6295296"
            "BankName": "Şekerbank",
            "IbanNo": "TR69 0005 9002 1013 0021 0854 71",
            "AccountHolder": "Hızlıpara Ödeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para A.Ş.",
            "AccountNo": "MECİDİYEKÖY / 21085471"

    "Result": true,
    "ResultCode": 10000,
    "ResultMessage": "Başarıyla tamamlandı."