GETBank Information Service
Contracted workplace information is listed.
Service Address :/bankinformation
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
string | It is the ApiKey information given by Teqpay of the dealer who will make the payment.
string | It is the key information given by Teqpay of the dealer who will make the payment.
Response Parameter
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
Result | boolen | Process Result |
ResultCode | integer | Teqpay result code of the payment transaction |
ResultMessage | string | Description of ResultCode value. |
MoneyTransferCode | string | Required code for money transfer |
BankInformationList | List<class> | The class list containing the Banks Information, the class content is listed below. |
Bank Information List
Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Description |
BankName | string | Bank Name |
IbanNo | string | Iban No of the Bank |
AccountHolder | string | Account Holder |
AccountNo | string | Account information |
Response Sample
{ "MoneyTransferCode": "TP643285", "BankInformationList": [ { "BankName": "Garanti BBVA", "IbanNo": "TR06 0006 2000 3950 0006 2952 96 ", "AccountHolder": "Hızlıpara Ödeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para A.Ş.", "AccountNo": "ULUS/IST 6295296" }, ... { "BankName": "Şekerbank", "IbanNo": "TR69 0005 9002 1013 0021 0854 71", "AccountHolder": "Hızlıpara Ödeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para A.Ş.", "AccountNo": "MECİDİYEKÖY / 21085471" } ], "Result": true, "ResultCode": 10000, "ResultMessage": "Başarıyla tamamlandı." }