API Service Answers

It contains the service provider's api response codes and descriptions.

For unsuccessful result in all operations;
    "result": false,
    "resultCode": Mesaj Kodu,
    "resultMessage": "Açıklama"

Error Codes

Codes Description
10000 Successfully Completed.
10001 Operation not approved
10002 Invalid transaction
10003 Lost card
10004 Stolen card
10005 Expired card
10006 Invalid CVC2
10007 Operation not permitted to card holder
10008 Operation not permitted to terminal
10009 Fraud suspect
10010 Pickup card
10011 Operation not permitted by card
10012 An error occurred while processing payment
10013 Approval operation is completed
10014 Invalid Email format
10015 Invalid CVC length
10016 Need to receive approval by bank
10017 Invalid bank merchant category
10018 Blocked card
10019 Invalid CAVV
10020 Invalid ECI
10021 CVC max attempts exceeded
10022 Bin is not found
10023 Invalid card number
10024 Issuer not found
10025 Debit cards require 3D-Secure
10026 Installments not allowed for debit cards
10027 Request timeout
10028 Payment declined
10029 Foreign cards not allowed for the terminal
10030 Installment option not allowed for the terminal
10031 Requires day end
10032 Withdrawal amount limit is exceeded
10033 Restricted card
10034 Max PIN tries exceeded
10035 Invalid PIN
10036 Bank or terminal is not processing operation
10037 Expiration year or month is invalid
10038 Request blocked by bank
10039 Paid price is not be less than reward price
10040 Invalid amount
10041 Invalid card type
10042 Not sufficient award
10043 American express card related error
10044 Transaction is already reversed
10045 An error accured during 3D authentication
10046 Bank error
10047 Bank verification page not opened.
10048 Payment has been terminated by the user.
10049 Invalid Payment Approval Method
10050 MSISDN and creditcard ID is not matched
10051 Card is used by another application
10052 Customer is not suitable for provision
10053 Application is invalid
10054 The operation was unsuccessful because the operator of the GSM was not the same as the operator.
10055 Wirecard has closed the user's mobile payment authorization upon complaint / request.
10056 Since GSM has an ongoing subscription, the transaction was concluded as unsuccessful.
10057 Operation cannot be performed from the operator to which GSM is connected. Please try again with GSM from another operator.
10058 Order is not found
10059 The parameters in the request should be checked.
10060 There was a missing parameter
10061 The parameters in the request should be checked.
10062 Country code is invalid
10063 Phone number is invalid
10064 City number is invalid
10065 Only default card is expected
10066 Token not found
10067 3D session not found
10068 3D session already used
10069 Seller not found
10070 Signature is invalid
10071 Hash is invalid
10072 Hashparams not found
10073 Acs enrollment request error
10074 Callback url is invalid
10075 Request header is invalid
10076 MSISDN parameter is empty
10077 IsDefault parameter is empty
10078 EulaId parameter is empty
10079 CardId parameter is empty
10080 Amount parameter is empty
10081 PaymentType parameter is empty
10082 OriginalReferanceNumber parameter is empty
10083 ReconciliationDate parameter is empty
10084 TotalSaleAmount parameter is empty
10085 TotalReverseAmount parameter is empty
10086 TotalRefundAmount parameter is empty
10087 TotalSaleCount parameter is empty
10088 TotalReverseCount parameter is empty
10089 TotalRefundCount parameter is empty
10090 EulaId is invalid
10091 EulaId is not found
10092 Original sale transaction is refunded
10093 Transaction can not be reversed after reconciliation date
10094 Provision transaction entity not found
10095 Original reference number must be empty
10096 Payment reference rumber mismatch
10097 3D Session Id Must Be Empty
10098 Max number of card for MSISDN is exceeded
10099 Credit card is already registered
10100 Transaction can not be done because of reconciliation
10101 Max number of MSISDN for card is exceeded
10102 Card is already registered for different National ID
10103 MSISDN in chargeback blacklist
10104 There is an error while sending service booster message
10105 Customer is corporate customer
10106 Customer is personal customer
10107 TCKN value is not found for the customer
10108 Transaction is being processed
10109 account suspended
10110 User is not payment capable on Zubizu.
10111 EulaId is not valid
10112 Application is not found for this Channel
10113 Terms of Services not found for application
10114 Merchant applicationId and request applicationId mismatch.
10115 Submerchantkey is mandatory
10116 Debit card registration is not allowed for this channel
10117 Paycell card registration is not allowed for this channel
10118 Paycell card deletion is not allowed for this channel
10119 Loyalty Card Is Already Registered
10120 You are not authorized to close the pre-authorization.
10121 Not enough parameters were found for pre-authorization closing.
10122 More than one match was found in the system with the submitted order number (orderId)!
10123 Pre-authorization closing cannot be applied to the bank code and service url sent.
10124 No virtual pos was found with the sent parameters.
10126 System Error
10127 Invalid Input Parameters
10128 Insufficient funds
10129 The id or signature parameter is missing.
10130 Error signing business.
10131 Business signing format is incorrect.
10132 You can query up to the month specified in the maximum error message.
10133 The maximum number of days specified in the error message can be interrogated.
10134 Requests can be made for the maximum number of pages specified in the error message.
10135 The date format should be 'yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm'.
10136 The start and end date must be different.
10137 The orderId and ticketId parameters cannot be used together.
10138 The paymentResult parameter cannot be used with orderId or ticketId.
10139 The id or signature parameter is missing.
10140 Error signing business.
10141 Business signing format is incorrect.
10142 Bussines IP is restricted
10143 Canceled is earlier
10144 Transaction is irrevocable
10145 User should be contractual account
10146 User account is blocked
10147 Citizenship number card account is do not match
10148 Payment distribution records not found
10149 Request is used. Each request must have a new ID
10150 Your transaction could not be completed. Please try again.
10151 Sending pos user information (posUserId) is mandatory.
10152 Pos password information (posPassword) is mandatory.
10153 Pos service connection information (serviceUrl) is mandatory.
10154 Pos bank code information (vposBankCode) is required.
10155 API Connection information is erroneous
10156 Product number field is required.
10157 ItemType field is required
10158 Product number field is required.
10159 itemQuantity field must be a numeric value
10160 ConversationId parameter is empty
10161 Customername parameter is empty
10162 CustomerIpAdress parameter is empty
10163 CitizenNo parameter is empty
10164 ShippingAdres parameter is empty
10165 ShippingCity parameter is empty
10166 ShippingContactName parameter is empty
10167 ShippingCountry parameter is empty
10168 BillingAddress parameter is empty
10169 BillingName parameter is empty
10170 BillingCity parameter is empty
10171 BillingCountry parameter is empty
10172 PaymentRequest parameter is empty
10173 Please check all parameters
10174 OwnerName parameter is empty
10175 Instalment parameter is empty
10176 The card number field is invalid.
10177 ApiKey information is incorrect
10178 SecretKey information is incorrect
10179 Authentication parameter is empty
10180 Please check MobilePhone parameters
10181 Mobile class is empty
10182 Please check PaymentId parameters
10183 PaymentCompanyId parameter is empty
10184 No payment break record found for this business
10185 You entered incorrect E-mail information. Please check your email and try again.
10186 The county was sent blank
10187 Name sent blank
10188 Surname sent blank
10189 Mail sent blank
10190 Phone sent blank
10191 Single transaction amount limit exceeded.
10192 Daily same card transaction number limit was exceeded.
10193 Daily member merchant transaction number limit was exceeded.
10194 Daily member merchant transaction amount limit has been exceeded.
10195 Monthly member merchant transaction amount limit has been exceeded.
10196 Number of monthly merchant transactions has been exceeded.
10197 Incorrect Merchant
10198 Incorrect Merchant Key
10199 Reference Number Previously Registered or 24 character limit exceeded.
10200 Invalid Currency
10201 IncorrectCard Name
10202 Invalid CallbackUrl
10203 invalid installment information
10204 GUID length is invalid.
10205 Order_ID can be up to 36 characters.
10206 Credit card CVV length is invalid. There should be 3 digits.
10207 The credit card year length is invalid.
10208 The credit card expiration month length is invalid.
10209 The IP format is invalid.
10210 VirtualPOS_ID length is invalid.
10211 Amount format is invalid. Do not use dots. Send a penny format with a comma.
10212 The amount must not be less than or equal to 0.
10213 Operation cannot be performed with the test user.
10214 Amount format is invalid. It should be 2 digits after the comma.
10215 Successful URL or Error URL cannot be empty.
10216 GSM No must be numeric.
10217 Please enter the complete credit card information.
10218 Commission information not found.
10219 The commission added to the total amount is incorrect.
10220 Error calculating commission information to be cut.
10221 The VirtualPOS Type is incorrect.
10222 Error saving payment information. Repeat the process.
10223 Failed to save Virtual POS Transaction.
10224 No transaction information found.
10225 In case of cancellation.
10226 In case of transaction refund.
10227 Return transaction is requested to be canceled.
10228 Canceled action Requested to be returned.
10229 Credit Card BIN code is incompatible with SanalPOS_ID. Incorrect VirtualPOS_ID is selected according to Credit Card brand.
10230 The GUID does not match the Security object.
10231 The amount to be canceled or refunded cannot be greater than the transaction amount.
10232 Amount to be canceled is incorrect.
10233 The status parameter cannot be empty. Please send CANCELLATION or REFUND.
10234 Debit Card may not be used in installments or forbidden information.
10235 The Refund Amount cannot be greater than the Refundable Amount.
10236 The date range cannot be more than 7 days.
10237 Test credit card can not be processed in real environment.
10238 Card storage failed.
10239 Card analysis failed.
10240 Your cancellation / refund request could not be created. Please try again.
10241 This request can be fraud. PAN (Credit Card Number) did not oversee fraud check.
10242 POS günsonu hatasi 18/5000 POS end of day error Geri bildirim gönder Geçmiş Kaydedilenler Topluluk
10243 Mobile Number Is Not Registered
10244 This mobile phone is not registered in the system
10245 It reached the daily payment limit with the number entered. Payment cannot be made.
10246 Please submit ApiKey and SecretKey values in Headers.
10248 Pre-authorization cannot be made for the selected payment method.
10249 Pre-authorization closing cannot be done for the selected payment method.
10250 Exceeded payment limit allowed on same IP address.
10251 The payment method you want to transact with is not defined in your account.
10252 Invalid ip address
10253 The payment process could not be started.
10254 Duplicate registration process.
10257 Incorrect amount format. Expected value must be of type #.##
10258 Customer phone number is not verified.
10258 Gsm Number Verification Error. GSM number Citizen no It matched the number.
20000 User information is not foud
20001 Transaction not open session in
20002 Could not complete operation.Please try again.
20003 Credit Card Number not valid format
20004 Transaction unauthorized and faulty card
20005 3T security password is unsuccessful or transaction is canceled.
20006 PIN is not safe.
20007 Request is denied.
20008 PIN number of trials is exceeded.
20009 Cash limit is exceeded
20010 Security breach
20011 Card is to limited
20012 Cash withdrawal limit exceed
20013 Card holder for transaction is not allowed
20014 PIN incorrect
20015 Card is expiration date incorrect
20016 Accumulation account is not found
20017 Insufficient balance
20018 Rejection
20019 Account number is incorrect or invalid
20020 Try again
20021 General rejection
20022 Special case.Call your bank
20023 Card shooting process is successfully completed.
20024 Online payment unable to create order registration.Try again.
20025 Card number is not for installment appropriate process
20026 Please monetary amount enter for transact
20027 Bank is not active. Please your customer representative to contact.
20028 Card number is invalid. If you card number is you think is valid, please your customer representative to contact.
20029 3T authentication and payment process is failed.
20030 Online payment process is failed.Please try again.
20031 Critical Error! Card shooting process is successful.But is not completed recording.
20032 Critical Warning! Card number security check from It did not pass. This card is can not action
20033 With the amount entered amount entered instant transaction your limit is exceeds. Please more small enter amount or day transaction limit you are increase
20034 With the amount entered daily transaction limit is exceeded. Please more small enter amount or monthly transaction limit you are increase
20035 With the amount entered monthly transaction limit is exceeded. Please more small enter or monthly transaction limit you are increase.
20036 Required field is missing
20037 User information is incorrect
20038 BIN number entered authority process do not found
20039 You are not working time range. You can't trade now
20040 You are not authorized select installment.
20041 You have reached this card identified monthly limit. Please your customer representative for to increase to contact.
20042 You are not authority cancellation and giving back.
20043 Cancellation and refund order status is inappropriate
20044 Your balance status cancellation and giving back order status is inappropriate
20045 Citizenship number is not verified.
20046 Cancellation refund is enter description to make transactions.
20047 Online payment process failed. Please try again.
20048 Order is completed successful
20049 Order is unsuccessful
20050 Order is not faund
20051 No results
20052 Payment failed
20053 Operation not completed by user.
20054 The payment transaction has timed out.
30000 Payment Process is not failed to cancel. Please your Teqpay manager to contact.
30001 You defined payment method is not found
30002 Your payment transaction is completed successful
30003 Product information for payment process is not found
30004 Please all related fields fill
30005 Please card number is should be 16 character enter
30006 Please cvv number enter correctly.
30007 Unexpected error formed. Please your Teqpay manager to contact.
50000 Your Transaction Could Not Be Completed. Please try again..!
50001 Selected Bank Commission Rates have been updated successfully.
50002 Please enter the installment rates numerically to process ..!
50003 Your Black List Registration has been successfully completed.
50004 The selected action has been removed from the black list.
50005 Default Commission Rates Successfully Updated.
50006 Please enter commission rates as a numerical value for trading.
50007 Your Transaction Successfully Completed.
50008 Installment Your active / passive transaction could not be completed. Please try again..!
50009 Dealership Information Update Successfully Completed.
50010 Your Dealer Information Update Could Not Be Completed. Please try again..!
50011 Your IP Address has been successfully completed.
50012 Please enter numerical / monetary value to trade ..!
50013 The IP address entered is already registered in the system.
50014 Dealer limit information has been updated successfully.
50015 The new user has been added successfully.
50016 Your Add User Failed to Complete. Please try again..
50017 This user has been registered in the system before. Please check your details
50018 User Information Successfully Updated.
50019 This mail address is defined by another user. please check your informations and try again later.
50020 Dealer Authorities Updated Successfully
50021 Selected Installment Operation Successfully Updated.
50022 Please enter commission rates to be 0 or greater to trade.
50023 Your IP Address Information has been successfully updated.
50024 Commission Type Successfully Updated.
50025 Undefined transaction type input detected. Please select a valid transaction type
50026 Iyzico Market Place Integration has been successfully completed. However, the registration of the relevant dealer's table could not be made. Please register manually ..!
50027 Iyzico Market Place Integration Process Completed Successfully.
50028 You are not authorized to perform this operation ..!
50029 IP Address Control Successfully Updated.
50030 IP Address Control Failed to Update. Please Try Again ..!
50031 Private Bank / Pos Information has been successfully registered.
50032 The Bank / Pos information you are trying to register is already registered in the system. Re-registration is not possible ..!
50033 Routing to Card Bank in Single Shot Operation Updated.
50034 Card Type was directed to the selected bank successfully.
50035 Your installment transaction could not be updated as Active / Passive. Please try again.
50036 The number of installments entered is not supported by the payment method to be processed.
50037 Your Adding IP Address Failed to Complete. Please try again..!
50038 Lütfen gerekli alanları doldurunuz..!
50039 Sorry! Your Commission Type Update could not be completed. Please try again..!
50040 Money Transfer Type Updated Successfully.
50041 Sorry! Your Money Transfer Type Update could not be completed. Please try again..!
50042 The e - mail information entered is not in the appropriate format. Please check and try again.
50043 Sorry! The user is already registered with a dealer.
50044 The payment service downstream user has been successfully created.
50045 Sorry! The payment service is not activated for the dealer.
50046 Critical Error! Failed to Create Standard Installment and Bank List. Please add manually!
50047 Critical Error! Could not create Default Limit Amounts. Please add manually!
50048 Critical Error! Failed to Create Dealer User. Please add manually!
50049 Critical Error! Default Failed to create commissions. Please add manually!
50050 Critical Error! Default Could not create authorization. Please add manually!
50051 Your new dealer registration process has been completed successfully.
50052 New Dealer Registration Failed to Complete. Please try again..!
50053 City Info Could Not Be Listed.
50054 Town Information Could Not Be Listed.
50055 The dealer you are trying to register is already registered in the system. Please check your details.
50056 The personal information entered does not match the identity information. Please check and try again.
50057 Please enter a value less than 100 to set a percentage discount.
50058 Please enter the value to be 0 or greater to process.
50059 Please enter commission rates between 0 and 100 for trading.
50060 Commission Rates Successfully Updated.
50061 Please enter your e-mail address to proceed.
50062 Password Reset Link has been sent to your e-mail address.
50063 There is no active user for the e-mail address you entered.
50064 Failed to send reset link to email address. Please try again. If you have the same problem, please contact your customer representative ..!
50065 Your operation could not be completed. Please verify that you are not a robot ..!
50066 Please enter a valid date range to process.
50067 The date range entered cannot be more than 30 days.
50068 E-mail or password entered is incorrect. Please try again.
50069 Please enter your E-mail and Password to log in.
50070 Your membership is blocked by the system. Please contact your Customer Representative for more information ..!
50071 Your Mobile Verification Code Failed. Please try again.
50072 Your account is inactive. Please contact your system administrator ..!
50073 An unexpected error was encountered while redirecting the user to the required password change screen. Please contact your system administrator ..!
50074 Please enter a value greater than 0 in the discount amount field to trade.
50075 Please enter a value less than 100 to set a percentage discount.
50076 Please enter the value to be 0 or greater to process.
50077 Invalid operation attempt.
50078 Selected Payment Institution Information Has Been Updated Successfully.
50079 You are trying to make undefined Commission Update Process.
50080 Please enter the transfer amount as a value greater than zero.
50081 Please enter the transfer amount as a numeric value.
50082 Please fill in the transfer amount field and try again.
50083 Please make sure that the IBAN field is 26 characters.
50084 Please enter a valid date range to receive reports.
50085 No report data was found for the selected parameters.
50086 The selected date range cannot be more than 30 days.
50087 Your Money Transfer Successfully Completed.
50088 Your IBAN update has been Successfully Completed.
50089 An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again..!
50090 The length of the message content or subject is not enough. Please try again..!
50091 Your message has been successfully deleted.
50092 Your message has been sent successfully.
50093 You are not authorized to send messages.
50094 New notification for dealers has been published successfully.
50095 The selected notification process was updated successfully.
50096 The status information of the selected notification has been successfully updated.
50097 The transaction report for the parameters you selected could not be found.
50098 Your Manual Refund has been Successfully Completed.
50099 Your Card Refund has been successfully completed.
50100 The related card has been added to the black list successfully.
50101 Record of Spending Objection for the Transaction was Successfully Done.
50102 Operation Canceled Successfully.
50103 Your cancellation failed by the Bank.Please try again ..!
50104 Your transaction cannot be resumed because the transaction information could not be reached. Please try again later..!
50105 Your return to the card has failed by the Bank. Please try again ..!
50106 Your return to the card has failed on the Bank side. Please try again ..!
50107 The operation could not be completed. The process has already been blacklisted.
50108 Transaction Returned Successfully.
50109 Sorry! Spending Objection cannot be generated for the same day transaction.
50110 Your transaction has been successfully assigned to the Suspicious Transactions category.
50111 Suspicious Transaction Returned to Customer's Card Successfully.
50112 The transaction failed because the dealer did not have sufficient balance.
50113 An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again later.
50114 The order failed to receive the order information to be processed.
50115 The transaction failed because the cancellation / refund form of the payment service could not be found.
50116 The procedure was successfully performed. However, an error was encountered while registering the database. Please correct it manually.
50117 The password reset link has already been used.
50118 Your password reset has been successfully completed.
50119 Please enter your password with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 characters.
50120 Passwords entered do not match. Please check and try again.
50121 The password entered cannot be the same as your last 4 passwords.
50122 No transactions were found for the reference number ..!
50123 Please enter the Verification Code sent as sms to process.
50124 The Verification Code you entered is incorrect. Please check and try again..!
50125 Your User Information Update Successfully Completed.
50126 Your User Information Update Could Not Be Completed. Please try again..!
50127 Could not list user information.
50128 Please check that the password you entered is between 7 and 10 characters long.
50129 User Password Successfully Updated.
50130 Your User Registration has been successfully completed.
50131 User Registration Failed to Complete. Please try again..!
50132 Unable to display user list.
50133 The user you are trying to log in to is already registered. Please check your details.
50134 Please note that your password must contain at least 7 characters and contain at least 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number and symbol. (Ex: Password123 *)
50135 The credit card number is not in valid format.
50136 The user is not authorized to perform this operation. (Card information is incorrect)
50137 3D security password failed or operation aborted.
50138 Unsecured PIN
50139 Request denied
50140 Pin attempts exceeded
50141 Cash frequency limit exceeded
50142 Security breach
50143 Restricted card
50144 Cash withdrawal limit exceeded / daily limit exceeded
50145 Cardholder is not allowed to process
50146 incorrect pin
50147 Card expiration date is incorrect.
50148 No spool accounts
50149 General Rejection
50150 Incorrect invalid account number
50151 Try again
50152 Call your exception bank
50153 Card shooting was successfully completed.
50154 Failed to create Online Payment order record. Please try again.
50155 The card number entered is not suitable for installment.
50156 Please enter a monetary Amount to trade.
50157 The bank to be processed is not active. Please contact your customer representative.
50158 The entered card number is not valid. If you think your card number is valid, please contact your customer representative.
50159 3D Authentication and Payment Failed.
50160 Online Payment Failed. Please try again.
50161 Critical Error! Card Capture Was Successful, but Registration Was Not Completed. Please contact your customer representative.
50162 Critical Warning! The Card Number entered failed Security Check. This Card can not be processed.
50163 The amount entered exceeds your current transaction limit. Please enter a smaller amount or increase your instant trading limit.
50164 You are exceeding your daily transaction limit with the amount entered. Please enter a smaller amount or increase your daily transaction limit.
50165 You are exceeding your monthly transaction limit with the amount entered. Please enter a smaller amount or increase your monthly transaction limit.
50166 Incorrect User Information
50167 You are not authorized to make transactions with the entered BIN number.
50168 You are out of working time intervals. You can't trade now.
50169 You are not authorized to make transactions with the selected installment.
50170 You have reached the monthly limit for this card. Please contact your customer representative to increase your transaction limit.
50171 You are not authorized to cancel / refund.
50172 Order status is not eligible for cancellation / refund.
50173 The entered ID number could not be verified.
50174 İşlem yapmak için İptal-İade açıklandı giriniz. (En az 3 karakter)
50175 Please enter a valid IP address to process ..!
50176 Your password has been successfully updated.
50177 The new passwords entered do not match. Please check and try again..!
50178 Your new password must be at least 7 characters.
50179 You have entered an incorrect ID number. Please check and try again.
50180 You entered incorrect E-mail information. Please check your email and try again.
50181 There was an error during your verification. Please try again..!
50182 Your membership is blocked by the system. Please contact your system administrator ..!
50183 Your Mobile Verification Code Failed. Please try again.
50184 Your user account is inactive. Please contact your system administrator ..!
50185 You cannot log in because the IP address is not defined.
50186 The user information of the selected company could not be reached and your transaction could not be completed ..!
50187 Your Money Submission Successfully Completed.
50188 Please select a transaction to send money ..!
50189 Your Money Submission could not be completed. Please try again..!
50190 Money Submission Completed. However, some transactions failed to send money ..!
50191 CRITICAL WARNING: Your Money Submission Successfully Completed. However, the Money Transfer Table could not be updated. Please Contact Your Technical Team ..!
50192 No records found for trading.
50193 Unable to Continue Operation. Money Transfer Initial Registration Failed. Please try again..!
50194 Unable to Continue Operation. The Transaction has been canceled by the System because the Expenditure Amount of the Dealer is more than the Amount to be Transferred
50195 There was an error marking all messages as read.
50196 Transaction Successful
50197 Insufficient Balance
50198 Order status is not eligible for cancellation / refund.
50199 Sorry! Dealer does not have enough balance to cancel / refund.
50200 Logo added successfully
50201 The file size cannot be larger than 100 KB.
50202 The file format must be "png, jpg, jpeg".
50203 The payment service downstream user has already been activated.
50240 Your transaction cannot be completed because the dealer status information is passive.
50241 The password reset Link has been sent to your email address to complete the unblocking process.
50242 Your transition process was initiated successfully.
50243 Merchant parameter is empty
50244 Account information was successfully updated.
50245 Failed to update account information.
50246 IPN information has been successfully updated.
50247 IPN information could not be updated. Please try again.
50248 Please enter the IPN address.
50255 Automatic refund feature has been activated.
50256 Automatic refund feature has been disabled.
50257 The automatic refund feature update process could not be completed. Please try again.
50258 Lütfen Ödeme Yöntemi Seçiniz
50267 Please select a picture.
50268 Please fill in the text you entered with a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 characters.